Soooo, I started this post LAST April. No that is not a type-o. Yep, almost one year ago I started this post with the best of intentions to finish. Well, here it is {almost} April 2013...and I'm determined to finish... TODAY!
I'm thinking about how we're going to "Celebrate the Last Days of Kindergarten with the ABC's" this year. Can you believe that we're in our "last days of school"?!?! This year is flying by! Yet there is still soooo much to cover! It won't be long and I'll be sending my lil' love muffins off into the BIG world of 1st grade!
In a few short weeks we will begin celebrating the last days of school ABC Style! I found this idea a couple of years (see post) on Mrs. Kimbrell's Kindergarten blog. My lil' love muffins and I always have a great time, so it's in the works for this year, too! Each year, I tweak it a bit as other ideas arise (mine, teacher buddies, fellow blogateers, or of course, pinterest). Here is a list of the daily events from last year w/a short explanation. I also try to tie in a book, writing or math activity, science experiment, etc... with each letter.
A-Animal Day (bring a SMALL stuffed animal to school)
B-Bubble Day
C-CrAzY Day (CrAzY hair, clothes, socks, etc...)
D-Dance Party Day (Zumatomic, Just Dance on the Wii)
E-Entertainment Day - Talent Show! (Help your child rehearse a short,
2-3min. talent to perform on stage in front of the class.)
F-Favorite Book Day
G-Game Day (Students may bring in a favorite board or card game.)
H-Hat Day
I-Ice Cream Day
J-Jump Rope Contest Day
K- Kindergarten Buddy Day
L-Lemonade and Lollipop Day
M-Milk and Cookies Day
N-Nature Scavenger Hunt Day
O-Ocean Day
P-Picnic Lunch Day (Please send a sack lunch with your child.)
Q-Quiet Day
R-Reading Day (Send a beach towel or blanket with your child.)
S-Super Hero Day (Don't forget to wear your cape!)
U-Unusual Item Day (Bring in something unusual to share w/the class.)
V-Video Day
W-Wash Our Tables Day(with SHAVING CREAM!!!)
X-eXciting Surprise Day
Y-Year End Party
Z-Zoom out of Kindergarten!!!
I'd LOVE to hear daily ideas from fellow bloggers! If you celebrate the ABC's (or even if you don't), please share any ideas you have! Feel free to leave a comment w/ideas or "LINK Up" and share how you're planning to celebrate the last days of school with your class!!! I'm always looking for new ideas to "spice" these final days up!