Thursday, May 2, 2013

Currently May is my currently for May.  I wish for this month ALL year long...and it's finally here.  I'm not sure how it snuck up on me, but it's here!
Listening:  I'm "currently" listening to the cold May rain fall.  It was in the 80's most of the week, now expecting lows in the 40's and highs in the 40's tomorrow...really? At least it's not the SNOW the western part of the state it receiving!
Loving:  I'm "loving" that there are only 14 more days of school!!!  I'll be sad to see my lil' love muffins move up, but I'm ready for a new batch AND summer break!
Thinking:  I'm "thinking" about the weekend.  Not sure what we're going to be able to do w/the cold and rainy weather.  I know the boys hate to stay inside.  Hopefully, we'll come up w/something.
Wanting:  I'm "wanting" to win POWERBALL...$191,000,000 (said in my best Dr. Evil voice).  Only problem here is, you've got to play to win.
Needing:  I'm "needing" a Thursday do-over.  It was just one of those days...from start to finish.  So hoping my Friday is full of all of the wonderful things Julie Andrews sings about in The Sound of Music (which is one of my favorite musicals).
Summer Bucket List:  While I hadn't put a lot of thought into a "bucket list" for summer, I would LOVE for the beach to be on it (however, I KNOW this is not going to happen).  So, I'm going to settle on time w/my boys at the creeks, rivers and lakes.  They enjoy fishing and exploring and all that boy stuff, while I'm content soaking up the sun w/a good book, swimming, and tubing!
Link up w/Farley and join the FUN!


  1. Go for the Powerball! That's crazy big!
    Sooo sorry about your Thursday! But, a spoonful of sugar helps the Thursday go down! Love the Sound of Music!
    We just watched that with my 10 year old daughter last month! I thought, what kind of mother am I, that my daughter has NOT seen the Sound of Music?!!!
    Have a great weekend!
    Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun

  2. Found you through Farley-I love the title of your blog! Our weather has been just crazy too; don't know what's going on this year.


  3. Love your reference to your students as "lil love muffins" and a new "batch"! Too cute! :) I am now humming a song from Sound of Music, thanks! $191,000,000...insane! Just found you and your cute blog!
    Ms. Shope's Class

  4. Just found your cute blog from Farley's Currently linky and I'm a new follower! Your blog title caught my attention! :)

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  5. Lakes will do too! I can't wait for summer!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  6. تعد تصنيع زجاجات المياه المعدنية جزءًا من صناعة المياه العذبة والمعبأة. وتتميز هذه العبوات بأنها تحتوي على مياه طبيعية غنية بالمعادن والعناصر الغذائية الهامة لصحة الجسم. وتستخدم عادة عبوات المياه المعدنية زجاجات مصنوعة من الزجاج أو البلاستيك، وتختلف أحجامها وأشكالها حسب احتياجات السوق المحلية والعالمية.
