Sunday, April 28, 2013

D, E, F, G, H and COLOR RUN FUN!

So our ABC Countdown to the Last Day of School continued this week w/
Dare to Care for the Earth: We plan planted grass seed in a fruit/vegetable cans or water bottles, then used recycleable materials and items from the art box to create a character on the can (the grass will be the hair)!  A lot of work (and hot glue burns for me) but the finished products are so cute!
Entertainment Day:  The Kindergarten classes got together to put on a talent show for each other.  It was so cute!  Each class performed and then individual students performed.
We sang Vowel Sound Hound Dog (a favorite in our classroom)!
Favorite Book:  Students brought in their favorite books to share with the class.  A few students read their books (or part of the book) to the class.  We would just DROP EVERYTHING AND READ at various times during the day. 
Game Day:  Students were able to bring in a board game or card game to share with the class.  In the afternoon we played the games.  I set the timer for 15 minutes and them we'd switch.  Students were able to play 4 different games.  The kids LOVED it!
Hula/Hoola Hoop Day:  We learned to Hula.  I found a "How to" video on YouTube.  Most of the kids got into it.  Then in the afternoon we went to the gym to Hoola Hoop!  Lots of fun!
Next week we have:
Ice Cream Day:  We will be making homemade ice cream!
Jump Rope Day:  We will hopefully get to spend some time outside jumping rope.
It is also our Kindergarten Buddy Day.  2013-14 Kindergarteners will be visiting our classroom for two hours in the afternoon.
Kite Day:  We will be flying kits and making "kites" out of plastic grocery sacks.
Lemonade Day:  We will be making lemonade and writing "How to" stories.
And for the Color Run!!! 
I want to start by saying that I work with the best teachers and staff around.  We truly are a TEAM!  We work together to ensure the success of our students but also encourage and bring out the best in each other.  I'm very blessed to work with such an amazing group of people!!!
Fifteen of our staff members participated in the Color Run on Saturday. 
Our team name was "Teachers 'N Sneakers"! 
 Above:  The Before and After
Below:  The gang I finished with! We ran/jogged the whole thing together...PROUD moment!
It was an amazing day!!!!

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