Sunday, June 2, 2013

Currently JUNE!!!!

The Currently Linky (hosted by Farley at "Oh Boy 4th Grade") has become something that I look forward to each month (although I'm usually a few days late)!  If you haven't joined this linky yet, I highly suggest it.  Lots of fun and you meet new bloggers and learn of new blogs to visit and get ideas from. 

 Here it is...MY "currently" for June: 
listening:  I LOVE being the first one up in the mornings.  I get a little me time to do what ever I want to do.  This morning when I started my "currently" I was all alone, before I got it done, the man was I had to take a brief break.  Now I'm back to finish it up!
loving:  I'm in LOVE w/the fact that summer break is here!  (I will be teaching two weeks of pre-k summer school at the end of the month.  I get to meet some of my new love muffins!)  We have no set-in-stone vacation plans (kind of a bummer) but I'm sure we'll go/do weekend trip.
 thinking:  I'm thinking (discusssing w/the man) about what is on the agenda for today.  It is supposed to be on the cooler side (but NO storms).  Hmmm...  We also found ourselves discussing selling/buying a new place.  We currently live in a subdivision, which he HATES and want to move out where we have a little room to roam and play.  And then there's my (nonexistent) garden.  I'd love to put in a raised bed somehere in my yard...just something little...doesn't have to be fancy garden.
wanting:  There are definitely some items/areas that need some "attention" at our current home to make it more desireable for potential buyers.  But, we don't want to put a bunch of time and $$ into a home you don't plan to stay in.  Then again, a lot of what I want to do (hardwood, tile, painting, replacing deck door, staining, etc..) I would like to have done IF we end up staying. Anywho...
needing:  Like I said, really should be in the "want" section but I ran out of room.  I need to get my tush in gear and clean, purge, purge, purge, then clean some more!  We have too much STUFF!!!
3 vacay essentials:  I kind of cheated b/c so much can go into my first 2 essentials.
"Sun Protection Items" - sunglasses, sunscreen, and hats
"Comfy Attire" - shoes, sandals, flip-flops, and loose fitting/quick dry clothes
"Book" - you gotta bring along 1 or 2 of those
I look forward to linking up w/you all again next month!  Hopefully I'll have a few good posts between now and then, too.  Happy Summer Bloggers!!!!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mother's Day Craftivity...Quick, Easy, and Simply Adorable!

I found this super cute Mother's Day Card craftivity a few weeks ago at
We started them on Friday and will finish them up tomorrow.  If you're looking for something quick, easy, and simply adorable...this is the craftivity for you!!!  Head over to Simply {kierste} for the FREE downloads needed for the cards.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Currently May is my currently for May.  I wish for this month ALL year long...and it's finally here.  I'm not sure how it snuck up on me, but it's here!
Listening:  I'm "currently" listening to the cold May rain fall.  It was in the 80's most of the week, now expecting lows in the 40's and highs in the 40's tomorrow...really? At least it's not the SNOW the western part of the state it receiving!
Loving:  I'm "loving" that there are only 14 more days of school!!!  I'll be sad to see my lil' love muffins move up, but I'm ready for a new batch AND summer break!
Thinking:  I'm "thinking" about the weekend.  Not sure what we're going to be able to do w/the cold and rainy weather.  I know the boys hate to stay inside.  Hopefully, we'll come up w/something.
Wanting:  I'm "wanting" to win POWERBALL...$191,000,000 (said in my best Dr. Evil voice).  Only problem here is, you've got to play to win.
Needing:  I'm "needing" a Thursday do-over.  It was just one of those days...from start to finish.  So hoping my Friday is full of all of the wonderful things Julie Andrews sings about in The Sound of Music (which is one of my favorite musicals).
Summer Bucket List:  While I hadn't put a lot of thought into a "bucket list" for summer, I would LOVE for the beach to be on it (however, I KNOW this is not going to happen).  So, I'm going to settle on time w/my boys at the creeks, rivers and lakes.  They enjoy fishing and exploring and all that boy stuff, while I'm content soaking up the sun w/a good book, swimming, and tubing!
Link up w/Farley and join the FUN!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

D, E, F, G, H and COLOR RUN FUN!

So our ABC Countdown to the Last Day of School continued this week w/
Dare to Care for the Earth: We plan planted grass seed in a fruit/vegetable cans or water bottles, then used recycleable materials and items from the art box to create a character on the can (the grass will be the hair)!  A lot of work (and hot glue burns for me) but the finished products are so cute!
Entertainment Day:  The Kindergarten classes got together to put on a talent show for each other.  It was so cute!  Each class performed and then individual students performed.
We sang Vowel Sound Hound Dog (a favorite in our classroom)!
Favorite Book:  Students brought in their favorite books to share with the class.  A few students read their books (or part of the book) to the class.  We would just DROP EVERYTHING AND READ at various times during the day. 
Game Day:  Students were able to bring in a board game or card game to share with the class.  In the afternoon we played the games.  I set the timer for 15 minutes and them we'd switch.  Students were able to play 4 different games.  The kids LOVED it!
Hula/Hoola Hoop Day:  We learned to Hula.  I found a "How to" video on YouTube.  Most of the kids got into it.  Then in the afternoon we went to the gym to Hoola Hoop!  Lots of fun!
Next week we have:
Ice Cream Day:  We will be making homemade ice cream!
Jump Rope Day:  We will hopefully get to spend some time outside jumping rope.
It is also our Kindergarten Buddy Day.  2013-14 Kindergarteners will be visiting our classroom for two hours in the afternoon.
Kite Day:  We will be flying kits and making "kites" out of plastic grocery sacks.
Lemonade Day:  We will be making lemonade and writing "How to" stories.
And for the Color Run!!! 
I want to start by saying that I work with the best teachers and staff around.  We truly are a TEAM!  We work together to ensure the success of our students but also encourage and bring out the best in each other.  I'm very blessed to work with such an amazing group of people!!!
Fifteen of our staff members participated in the Color Run on Saturday. 
Our team name was "Teachers 'N Sneakers"! 
 Above:  The Before and After
Below:  The gang I finished with! We ran/jogged the whole thing together...PROUD moment!
It was an amazing day!!!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

23 Days and Counting!

I truly cannot believe there are only 23 days of school left this year!  We sent 4th Qtr. Progress Reports home yesterday and will begin DRA's and Writing Assessments in two weeks.  This year has FLOWN bye!
Celebrating the ABC's
Our ABC Celebration started on Wednesday with Animal Day.  Students could bring a small stuffed animal to school with them.  This is always SOOOO exciting!  Our friends were able to work with us at our tables and sit with us during carpet times.  We also used our friends as inspiration during a few activities and assignments.
Introductions (Speaking/Listening):  Students were able to introduce their "friend" to the class and tell a little something about why it is special. The kids (well most of them) take this very serious.  I like to hear about their friend...where it came from, how long they've had it, friend injuries, adventures they've been on together, etc...  I was very proud of how well all of the kids did listening and paying attention during the intros.
Creative Writing:  Students completed an organizer and wrote about their "friend".  I LOVE this organizer.  We use it for many subject areas and skills and I'm always finding new ways it can be used!  My new favorite is composing and decomposing numbers.  The one I used in class is hand drawn, but I just created one to share with you all.
(I hoped the link works...if not, someone please let me know!)
In the pics below, students used it to organize ideas for writing about their friend.  In the center diamond, the students drew a picture of their friend and wrote his/her name.  In the four corner areas, students wrote describing words about their friend.  After, students began writing a paragraph using the ideas from their organizer.  I am very proud of how far my students have come as writers this year.

Our friends also proved to be a good behavior management tool.  I hadn't thought of this before, but my buddy across the hall suggested that the "friend" be used as a behavior management tool for the day (you know it is very exciting to have our friends visit for the day, we sometimes forget how to behave).  So, if we couldn't control ourself, our friend had to go to time-out (aka our cubby).  Now, there were a few moments of tears when friends had to go to time-out, but overall, we had a great day with our stuffed visitors!

Thursday was Bubble Day!  While the CrAzy weather pattern (80 and sunny one day, tonadoes and high winds the next, a day of rain and flash flooding, followed by sleet and snow...seriously now)  we are currently experiencing kept us inside, we had a great day chewing LOTS of bubblegum AND trying to blow bubbles.  We had a bubble blowing contest earlier in the year.  If I remember right, there were only 3 kids that could blow bubbles.  I didn't count, but there were TONS more bubbles being blown on Thursday.  The kids were so proud of themselves!

I found an online version for The Bubble Book. This book was published by Harper Collins in 1917!

The kids have been working on memorizing, performing, and illustrating nursery rhymes in Library, so they were familiar with some of the rhymes included in this book.

After reading The Bubble Book, students drew a picture of what they would like to appear in a "magic bubble".

Friday was CrAzY Day!  While Ms. Schatz seemed to forget (not sure how, it's my fav) anywho, we had lots of CrAzY dressers and we "mixed" up our usual daily schedule so it was a little crazy in our room.  We read Stephanie's Ponytail (how I love Robert Munsch) and drew and wrote about our own crazy hairstyle.  Next year, I'd like to take the kids' pictures and cut around their head so they can use craft items to give themselves a CrAzY new hairdo!

Up next week we have Dare to Care for the Earth: planting seeds, ways to care for our Earth
Entertainment Day: Kindergarten Talent Show
Favorite Book Day: bring in favorite books
Game Day:  board and card games
Hoola and Hula Day:  hoola hoops and learning to hula

One last thing...
Happy National Kindergarten Day
(Sunday, April 21)
to ALL of the wonderful Kindergarten teachers out there!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Currently for April

I don't think my "Currently" needs a lot of explanation this month, but here's the short of it!
Listening:  The boys got "fishing" bunnies in their baskets for Easter.  On the back, there are fish jokes.
"If fish lived on land, which country would they live in?"
Loving:  Spring Break has really got me thinking about Summer Break...can't wait!
Thinking:  Well, we ended up heading to the Springs to fish for trout.  I got skunked! 
Wanting:  I'm so not ready to go back yet!  Days off always lead to wanting just one more.
Needing:  A group of teachers (15!) from my school are participating in the Color Run.  I'd LOVE to run the whole thing...I've got to get serious!!!
Advice:  If you all are ready for Summer Break, like I am, it's really important to keep things "fresh".  This will save your sanity and keep your students engaged in learning!!!
Oh, and the punchline to the fishy joke...FINLAND!

Monday, April 1, 2013

"Spring" Into Kindergarten: An Event for Incoming Kindergarteners

A few years back (6, 7, 8...that's a few, right???) our building started a Pre-K activity called "Spring Into Kindergarten".  This is an hour long, evening event of activities for Pre-K students (incoming 2013-2014 Kindergarteners) and their parents to come to our school.  We try to hold the event a week or two before our Kindergarten Screening is scheduled.  This event is not a lot of work, and the pay-off is AMAZING!!! 
This event provides these little guys and gals and opportunity to see the school (so it won't be such a strange place when they come in for the screening), to see some of the adult faces they will see at the screening (so they won't be so scary), and time to let loose and have a little bit of fun with future classmates!  I think parents also benefit from this evening of play.  They get to see the school, meet the principal and some of the teachers and staff, and possibly begin to ease some of the nervousness they have with their "babies" going off to Kindergarten. It is also a GREAT first impression for some of these parents!!!  I love it, because I get to meet some future love muffins and get to meet parents! 
Some of the activities we have for the kids to particpate in are:
Obstacle Course

Music and Movement
Pattern Blocks & Puzzles
Sensory Table

We also have a Story Corner and Snacks in the cafeteria. 

**I've got to say that we have the BEST staff around.  Many teachers/staff give their time to help w/this event (not just the Pre-K and K teachers).**

We also sent parents home with the following information.  Click below to read them for yourself.  We (my Kindergarten teacher buddies and I) thought it was a great list of things to work on!

 Students are also invited to our annual "Kindergarten Buddy Day" event.  On this day, incoming Kindergarteners come to school and spend 2 hours in a Kindergarten classroom (yes, we have MORE students for those two hours) and get a "taste" of what Kindergarten is all about!  I love to see the faces of my lil' love muffins...they're so proud to be my "helpers"!  Ya know...they've never been the BIG kids before!  We ususally do calendar, sing some some songs, dance around, have a read-a-loud, and complete a craftivity.  It's a busy couple of hours, but again VERY worth it!  My love muffins still talk about that day! 


Friday, March 29, 2013

Celebrating the Last Days With the ABC's!

Soooo, I started this post LAST April.  No that is not a type-o.  Yep, almost one year ago I started this post with the best of intentions to finish.  Well, here it is {almost} April 2013...and I'm determined to finish... TODAY!
Wordle: abc's
(don't you LOVE Wordle???)
I'm thinking about how we're going to "Celebrate the Last Days of Kindergarten with the ABC's" this year.  Can you believe that we're in our "last days of school"?!?!  This year is flying by!  Yet there is still soooo much to cover!  It won't be long and I'll be sending my lil' love muffins off into the BIG world of 1st grade! 

In a few short weeks we will begin celebrating the last days of school ABC Style!  I found this idea a couple of years (see post) on Mrs. Kimbrell's Kindergarten blog.  My lil' love muffins and I always have a great time, so it's in the works for this year, too! Each year, I tweak it a bit as other ideas arise (mine, teacher buddies, fellow blogateers, or of course, pinterest).  Here is a list of the daily events from last year w/a short explanation.  I also try to tie in a book, writing or math activity, science experiment, etc... with each letter. 

A-Animal Day (bring a SMALL stuffed animal to school)

 B-Bubble Day

C-CrAzY Day (CrAzY hair, clothes, socks, etc...)

 D-Dance Party Day (Zumatomic, Just Dance on the Wii)

E-Entertainment Day - Talent Show!  (Help your child rehearse a short,

              2-3min. talent to perform on stage in front of the class.)

F-Favorite Book Day

G-Game Day (Students may bring in a favorite board or card game.)

H-Hat Day

I-Ice Cream Day

J-Jump Rope Contest Day

K- Kindergarten Buddy Day

L-Lemonade and Lollipop Day  

    M-Milk and Cookies Day

    N-Nature Scavenger Hunt Day  

    O-Ocean Day

    P-Picnic Lunch Day (Please send a sack lunch with your child.)

   Q-Quiet Day 

    R-Reading Day (Send a beach towel or blanket with your child.)

    S-Super Hero Day (Don't forget to wear your cape!)


   U-Unusual Item Day (Bring in something unusual to share w/the class.)

   V-Video Day

   W-Wash Our Tables Day(with SHAVING CREAM!!!)

   X-eXciting Surprise Day

   Y-Year End Party

                Z-Zoom out of Kindergarten!!!

I'd LOVE to hear daily ideas from fellow bloggers!  If you celebrate the ABC's (or even if you don't), please share any ideas you have!  Feel free to leave a comment w/ideas or "LINK Up" and share how you're planning to celebrate the last days of school with your class!!! I'm always looking for new ideas to "spice" these final days up!  

Feel free to link up and share the way your class celebrates the last days of school ABC Style or otherwise!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dr. Seuss...Read Across America...Reading Week

The Kindergarten classes at my school will be Celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday and (in my opinion) more importantly...READING next week!!! Each day we will "celebrate" with a different Dr. Seuss book, a corresponding dress-up day (I LOVE dress-up days) and activities for each book.  I thought I'd take a moment of my Sunday evening and share our dress-up days.
Monday - Fox in Sox - Wear Silly Socks
Tuesday - Green Eggs and Ham - Wear GREEN
Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday - Dress WaCkY
Thursday - I Don't Want to Get Out of Bed - Wear P.J.'s
Friday - The Eye Book - Wear Decorated Glasses
I love reading what you all have planned for your celebrations!!! 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Not School Related BUT May Spark Your Inner Domestic Goddess

I am so excited SICK!!! 
I absolutely couldn't wait Friday night to get to my local Wal-Mart (NO, I wasn't going to gawk at the customers in p.j.'s, but I'm sure I would've ran in to a few), but alas I didn't get there.  The man worked late and the boys were not having a trip to Wally World.  I don't blame them.  Anywho,  what was I so excited about buying you ask?  (BTW-Thanks for asking.  I'm so glad you're interested in my story! :)  I wanted to get there to buy the ingredients for my "semi homemade" laundry soap! 
Yes!!!  I've been pinning!  I got this recipe (and picture shown above, didn't think to take my own) from
 Being Creative to Save My Sanity.
Well, I finally made it to W.M. late Saturday afternoon (after two basketball games 9:00 and 2:00) and found myself making semi-homemade laudry detergent and EXCITEDLY doing loads of laundry on a Saturday night.  Really?!?!  Is this what my life has come to???  
I spent $19.49 on the ingredients AND it's supposed to last like 9 months!  So, we shall see!!!  I also added a container of Scentsy Washer Whiffs in French Lavender (also LOVE the Quiver scent) for a little added aroma!
Here is a photo of MY finished product.
Not nearly as fancy or pretty as the pic shown on B.C.T.S.M.S.'s blog.  She purchased a glass container and cut "Laundry" out of vinyl on her Cricut.  You can check it out at her blog.  I had the glass container in my cart at W.M., but had second thoughts about it.  I could just envision the lid getting dropped (it had a glass lid) or the container catching an elbow and shattering on the ground.  Instead, I went with a 2.6 gallon Sterillite plastic trash can...classy right?  (So...add $10 to my total, but it will get used again!)  I'm using the scoop from one of the OxyClean containers to measure my detergent (one to two scoops depending on how dirty the laundry is...the man's work wear will DEFINITELY get two scoops). 
I must say that so far (I'm only a few loads in) I'm VERY happy!  My basement and laundry room smell delightful (makes me wish even more that I had main floor laundry).  I'll give it a few more days and let you know what I really think.  I'm hoping to save my family a little $$.  Besides I like being able to say "I made my own laundry soap," AND it was kinda fun...shhhh, don't tell the man! :)
Happy Super Bowl Sunday!
BTW-Who's playing???

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Currently...My 1st one!!!

I never participated in the "Currently" linky.  I'm not sure why, but I had some much needed quiet time this a.m. and thought to myself, "Why not?"  So, here goes...
Now that it's complete, I'm wondering why I've never participated before hmmm...
I guess that could've been my "thinking".
listening:  Puppy love (a.k.a. Possum) woke me up a little earlier than usual and wouldn't go back to sleep. So I found myself awake, and she found herself outside, which gave me some quiet time to myself before the boys got up.  I guess I should also mention that the "man of the house" is currently working 7-12's, which makes everyone's life H. E. DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS!!!!  (If you've never experienced it, make sure you say an exra thank you in your prayers tonite.)  So he was up and outta the house by 5:00am on a Saturday!
loving, wanting, needing:  Outta order, I know, but they need to be lumped together...stick with me here.  I'm loving that Phil didn't see his shadow this a.m. and loving that we're going to have an early Spring.  (I've kinda already got the "fever".  You know the one...Spring Fever!  Seventy degree temps in January will do that to a girl class of 17 kindergarteners!!!)  On the other hand, my whole family is going to Colorado on a ski trip in a couple of weeks.   I'm REALLY wanting and needing a snow day on February 19th, so I don't get docked pay for that day!  I'd appreciate any extra hopes, wishes, prayers, crossed fingers and toes for those in blog land!
thinking:  As I was filling out the form, I found myself enjoying my cup of coffee...savoring every last drop.  I don't usually "think" about how much I enjoy my coffee.  I'm usually drinking it in the car or trying to get it all sucked down before my lil' love muffins walk through the door (b/c we all know that if the coffee gets sat down, it'll be cold before we can get back to it).  I also found myself wondering (which is very similar to thinking) why I have never participated in this linky before.  I've enjoyed it so far.
And finally...
pet peeves: I'm sure this is a pretty common peeve, pajamas in public!  Come on people...REALLY?!?!?!  There is nothing I hate more than going into Hoosier-Mart Wal-Mart (or other shopping establishment) and seeing people in their p.j.'s AND they've obviously been in them a while...we're talking all night and most of the day!  Or those that wear p.j.'s to a restaurant (fast food or casual sit down)...ewwww! OH WAIT, THERE'S MORE...parents that drop their kids off at school AND they're in the p.j.'s.
#1 They made their kid get dressed.
#2 The kid knows their parent is going home to get back into bed or to Wal-Mart.
#3 I had to get up and get dressed to go to my JOB to teach their child so he/she can grow up to be a productive memeber in society.
#4 I just think it sets a bad example!
Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy the occassional Pajama Day at school (2x a year-ish) and it never fails on those days I have to run to the store or stop and get gas!  It makes me shudder to think that there are people that think that is what I wore to bed last night and didn't have the decency to get dressed that day!
I hope you all have a FABulous weekend...remember Spring is just around the corner and cross those fingers and toes for my FEBRUARY 19TH SNOW DAY!!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

100's Chart Puzzle

This will be my last 100th Day Post ...maybe.  As I stated in my first 100th Day post, my teaching buddies and I will be splitting up our kids and letting them visit each of our classrooms.  My activity is a 100's chart puzzle.  Up until  now, I've used an old 100's chart that I drew cut-lines on for the students.  I decided that I'd "spruce" it up a bit and add the lines using PowerPoint.

I know it's nothing fancy or extravagant, but If you'd like a 100's Puzzle to use with your love muffins, click on the picture above!

Friday, January 25, 2013

100th Day Part Deux

There have been some great 100th Day posts lately. .I'm LOVING them and getting lots of ideas.  I'm also feeling a little jealous that you all have already reached this milestone in your school year.  We still have 4 school days until #100 is here!  I wanted to share the note that we send home for our 100th Day Family Project.

Here is a picture of my 100th Day hat.  100 PIPE CLEANER chenille stem curly Q's!!!  My love muffins always tell me it looks like my hair...only colorful! :)  Gotta HATE love my natural curls.

A few teachers will be getting together next week to create a shirt similar to this.  Thanks going out to the Yard Sale Princess via pinterest!

If you haven't celebrated yet, I hope I've given you some ideas.  If you have or the day is just too close, maybe some ideas for next year!

Friday, January 18, 2013

100th Day of School

Our 100th Day of School is QUICKLY approaching...8 school days away to be exact!  My class has been so excited about counting up (or are we counting down...I'm confused) to the 100th Day this year!!  Anywho, I have many fun 100 activities planned for this special day and I wanted to take time to share a few of them with you all!
**If any of the ideas below are your's, please let me know so that I can give proper credit!**
1. 100th Day Banner
This was my banner from last year that I hung at the entry to my classroom.  It was painted by a FABULOUS parent volunteer!  I saved it, and am hoping it's in good enough condition to use again it  this year.  I guess I'd better get it out and see what kind of shape it's in! 
2. 100th Day Family Project
Each month we send home a project for students to complete with their families.  This month, our project wis to create something to wear for the 100th Day.  Students in the past have made t-shirts, hats, and ties that have 100 of something attached to them.  Students have also made bracelets and necklaces out of 100 beads, rubberbands, safety pins, and cereal.  
This one was super cute...100 glowing stars!  YES, we did turn out the lights and shut the shades!  We just had to see him glow!  And who can resist a noodle necklace!  Don't you LOVE the glasses? 
3. 100th Day Snack Mix 
I ask for parents to donate items for our 100th Day Snack Mix.  We use these cool counting mats (made by that AWESOME parent volunteer - Mrs. Katie) to make sure that our mix includes exactly 100 tasty treats!  We also use the mats for other counting activites.
Check out this spread!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
This little muffin is showing off her 100th Day mix and her "Peace" shirt made with 100 buttons.
4. 100th Day Stations
My two teaching buddies and I (yes, we only have 3 sections on Kindergarten) divide our classes into 3 groups and they get to complete a different activity w/each teacher.  Each station lasts approx. 15 min.  The kids LOVE getting to be in "class" with different friends and getting to visit the other classrooms!
Working on a 100's chart puzzle during stations.
5. Balloon POP!
This is definitely the kids' favorite 100th Day activity!  Each class has 100 balloons to pop (the hard part is finding people to help blow them up).  We put them all in the hallway and let the kids have at them!  So chaotic, I mean SO MUCH FUN!!!!

I hope this post gives you an idea or two that can be incorporated into your upcoming 100th Day!  I'd LOVE to hear what you all have planned, too!!!