Friday, July 29, 2011

More Great Giveaways...Some Ending SOON!

There are some GREAT giveaways going on right now!  AND what teacher does not like free!  You should really go check these out (I'm sure there are more that I'm missing)!  Some of them are ending SOON!  Good Luck!

Personalized Items from "The Polka Dot Patch"
My Photo

Drawing Sunday, July 31st

3 lucky followers will win a FREE upgraded InLinkz account for 4 months!
Finally in First
Giveaway ends Monday, August 1st at Noon

3 Great Prizes
Pocket Full of Kinders
Giveaway ends August 7th

$25 to Amazon
Mrs.Miner's Monkey Business
Giveaway ends Tuesday, August 2nd

Primary Connections
Giveaway ends July 31st

THREE Donor's Choose $10 Gift Cards
Herding Kats in Kindergarten
Giveaway ends August 1st

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Reading and Math Power Towers

So I was perusing blogland in-between coats of paint (no, my classroom is finished, painting in my almost finished basement). Anywho I came upon Teaching In High Heels. Gladys has blogged about some cute ideas, so I was checking them out. I came across the Reading and Math Towers.

I wasn't sure what they were, but knew they MUST be fun! (It reminded me of the cup stackers 2nd and 3rd graders used to love it!)  So I went to (never been there before, but it's great)to find out more! Mr. Smith has some great tips to share, including a video on the Power Towers! He suggests using them for sight words and math facts, but I can see uses for colors, shapes, numbers, letters, sounds, rhyming...the list is endless (well I'm sure it will eventually end). There is also a link to Mrs. Gilchrist's blog that has FREE, super cute labels for the Reading and Math Towers! I can't wait to get my cups and Pringles (just for the cans, of course) and get a some made. I know my lil' love muffins are going to have a great time playing this "game"!

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Little Red Hen Makes Pizza

For "Christmas" I received The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza and a pizza glyph activity (kidscount1234)from my new teaching buddy Cristy at "Krazy 4 Kinders"! THANK YOU!!! Its so cute! We usually read and do various activities with the traditional story of the Little Red Hen, so this will be a great addition. I know my lil' love muffins will enjoy it!

What did you get for "Christmas"? Link up with me and tell us all about it!

P.S. Cristy has the full description of the pizza glyph activity posted on her blog, Krazy 4 Kinders. Check it out!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Christmas on July Book & Activity Exchange Linky Party

Merry Christmas (in July)!
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that participated in our exchange! Like I said in my previous post, not only did I receive a great new book and activity, but also a new teacher friend! We can never have too many of those! My partner, Cristy ("Krazy 4 Kinders") wants to be pen pals with my class. I can't wait!!! I hope you all experience the "warm fuzzy" feeling I got!

Here goes...this is my first time at creating a "linky party"! It probably won't work the first, or second try, but maybe by the third try I'll have it up and running correctly. In true holiday fashion don't forget to thank your exchange partner. Not that you needed to be reminded. ;)

O.K., here goes...

Please link up to a post on your blog with the book title and short description of the activity you received! It would be AWESOME if the "givers" would post the full activity description on their blogs so we can collect ALL of great activity ideas! I will be posting my activities very soon! I hope you all have a "Merry Christmas"!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Merry Christmas (in July) to me!!!

So I just happened to be outside when the mailman came through...AND guess what???  I had a parcel (aka gift)!  Thanks so much Cristy for the book (yes it came, too) and the activity!  My lil' love muffins are going to have so much fun with this activity!  The rest of you all will just have to wait for the "linky" (guess I'd better get that set up) to find out what I received!!!

Cristy at "Krazy for Kinders" had an AWESOME idea...she wants to become pen pals with my class!  She had a great idea of sharing about our area and even wants to Skype with us!  I'm totally IN!!!! 

Not only did I receive a new picture book and activity for Christmas in July but in the true "spirit" of the holiday, I also have a new teacher friend! :)

To Paint Or Not to Paint...That WAS the Question

So I've spent the last 6 weeks trying to decide whether or not I wanted to was going to paint an accent wall in my classroom. It's a LONG story. Much too long to type and much to boring for those of you reading this.  AND for those reading this (you know who you are) that already know the story, MUCH too monotonous.  ANYWHO, I scored some paint from my buddy Nicole "First Grade O.W.L.s".  Thanks Nicole!!!  She actually bought it for her room and didn't like it.  So yes, it was "sloppy seconds" but I liked it, and Friday was the day. Many hours later, there was a green wall in my classroom (that still needs some touch-ups, but I'm lovin it).

So, here's a view of "the wall" at about 9:30 Friday morning...

5:00ish...almost done.
YES, that is about 7 1/2 hours of painting...and NO I still was not done!  I was told that I was slowwwwwww....

This is how it looked when I left around 6:30ish that evening.
Well a pic of 1 window with the new curtain.  Not sure why I didn't take a pic of the whole wall.  Hmmm.....
I know what you're thinking, but YES, it really is done (except the touching up I mentioned above)!
Aren't my curtains the cutest?!?
(Thank you Target! Only wish they had come from "The Dollar Spot"!)
I'm still going to add a chocolate panel at the bottom and tie back with something colorful!

AND a Giveaway from Fourth Grade Frolics!

How CUTE is this?
Head over to her blog for your chance to win!
Hurry giveaway ends July 27th!

AND just in case you don't win...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

If you're perusing your local Target "The Dollar Spot" look for this...

So, I posted last week about some GREAT Target "The Dollar Spot" finds.  Here is one that you need to keep a LOOK OUT for...

It is a book titled This is the Sun: Or is It?

I was VERY excited about this find and knew as soon as I read it exactly what activity I was going to do with it!  (My plan is to reveal the activity to my Christmas in July partner first, then I will share it with the rest of you!)  So if you happen to be perusing your local "The Dollar Spot" pick up this book.  FREEBIES coming soon!

P.S. If you 're participating in the Christmas in July Picture Book & Activity Exchange, remember your package needs to be mailed no later than July 25th!

Free "Shoe" Unit

Head over to Mrs. Tabb's blog "Just Another Day in First Grade" and get this shoe unit for free!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Great Giveaways!

Well my feeling of "Christmas" (in July) continues...lots of great blogs are offering giveaways, there are tons of great freebies posted, many teachers are offering their TpT and Teacher's Notepad products for a % off, AND I'm shopping and preparing my "gift" for two blogging buddies! Here are a few of the great blogs with giveaways that you should definitely go check out:

1,000+ followers!!! WOW! congratulations!!! FOUR winners FOUR prizes

100+ followers! Congrats Nicole! Two AWESOME prizes will go to one lucky winner!
First Grade Owls

Fun Summer Giveaway! THREE winners

50+ followers! Cute collection...LOVE the clipboard!

400+ followers! FOUR winners!
First Grade 

50+ followers! A "scent"sational prize!

200+ Followers! TWO great prizes!!
The Apple Basket Teacher

There are MANY, MANY more, so check back, I may be adding to my list!
Good Luck!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Grade Level Link Up

I {LOVE} this idea!

Directly from Kim's blog..."The Teacher's Lane"
Welcome to the Grade Level Linky Party! I love looking at all the teaching blogs out there, there is so much inspiration! But since there are so many teachers in the blogging community, it's just hard to know about them all! It can also be hard to find blogs that are specific to your grade level. So I thought, why not try to organize them?
Just add the main page of your blog to the linky list under the correct grade level. This linky party is set to have no ending, so it will be here indefinitely! Teachers will always be able to come here and find your blog, and you will be able to find new blogs as they are added to the linky party. It would be great if you could follow The Teacher's Lane or grab a button to help spread the word. The more teachers who join in, the bigger the party!
I hope this will be a place where teachers come to meet fellow educators, share ideas, and support each other's blogs!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm not ready, I'm not ready, I'm not ready!

So, I went into Target today just to check out my oh so favorite... "The Dollar Spot" (and yes, I will drive 45 minutes to the closest Target JUST to visit "The Dollar Spot" and yes, it must be referred to by it's full name or "D.T.S." [kinda like "The Wal-Mart"]. Everyone has been blogging about their fantabulous finds, so I finally gave in! While I was prepared (kind of)to see all of the school stuff in "T.D.S." (and I did find some cool stuff that I am excited about) I was in NO WAY, SHAPE, or FORM ready to see the "Back to School" section FULLY stocked! I didn't even get excited to see ALL of the new school supplies (a favorite of mine since I was IN Kindergarten) all I felt was sick to my stomach. I didn't even stroll through the aisles! I am soooo not ready to go back. It seems like summer has just begun. I am going to a Kindergarten Conference at the Lake of the Ozarks next week, so I'm hoping it's going to kick my hiney into school mode! Anywho, here is a pic of my "T.D.S." finds.

Left to Right/Top to Bottom:
glitter pompoms, Dr. Seuss totes, hall passes (I've never used these before, but think I'm going to give them a try), This is the sun or is it?, rhyming cards, color cards, counting puzzles, alphabet puzzles, number stamps (Fran at Kindergarten Crayons blogged about these), glittered zipper pouches

I pretty excited about my finds, and I do have plans for them. I will blog more about them when I get everything put together.

P.S. I also picked up a package of Project Poppers at Target. Thankfully, they only had the primary colors in stock (of course, I would've bought both)because I found the bright colors in the clearance section at The Wal-Mart! So excited!

Christmas in July Partner Emails Have Been Sent!

O.K. ladies...I think I have everyone paired up w/a like grade level (or close).  You should be receiving an email from me today!  If you do not, please let me know A.S.A.P!

Christmas in July Picture Book & Activity Exchange
Upcoming Dates: 

1.  TODAY, Thursday, July 14, you will get an email with your exchange partner.  Please email me--randeeschatz(at)hotmail(dot)com--if you do not receive an email!
Go shopping for a picture book (possibly one of your favorites to share w/a new "friend").
**$10 Limit**
**Don't forget to create an activity to go along with the book.**

3. Have your package (book & actvitiy) mailed by Monday, July 25, 2011.

4. Make sure to follow us at How About Them Apples,
First Grade O.W.L.s, and Here We Go Loopty Loo

5. Link up with us on Sunday, July 31, 2011 and
share your "gift" with us!

A BIG thank you to all of those that decided to participate in the exchange!  We ended up with 27 participants!!!  I cannot wait until the end of July when my package arrives! 
Please do not be a "Scrooge"...make sure you get your package mailed by July 25th!  I don't want anyone to have nothing "under their tree"!

Check out my NEW BLOG DESIGN!!!

Isn't it FANTABULOUS?!?! 
I would like to thank Miss Jena Snowden for my blog's new look, my signature, and button!  I'm so excited to share it with all of my "bloggie" buddies!!! 

1st Grade with Miss Snowden

If you haven't been to Miss Snowden's blog, you must check it out!

Thanks again, Jena...I LOVE IT!!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Last Day for Christmas in July Exchange

If you're planning to participate in our
"Christmas in July Book & Activity Exchange",
 please send me an email today!

Don't forget to follow us at
How About Them Apples?
so you can link up with everyone and share your "gifts"!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Help! Discovery Bottles

I would like to make some sort of alphabet "discovery bottles" and am looking for ideas!  
So far, I have ...

 I'm looking for...
Suggestions of what I can or should include  
Differenciating ideas 
Recording sheets 

If you have any ideas, examples of something you have created, or can send me to a website, blog, or book that can help me out...please share.  I really don't want to recreate something new if there are already GREAT things out there (which I know there are)!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Christmas in July Picture Book & Activity Exchange

So with all of the recent giveaways, I started thinking about

in July!

Which made me think of receiving packages in the mail. I {LOVE} getting packages in the mail! It is so much fun to open them (even if you ordered and paid for AND know what is in them).  When they finally arrive at your doorstep...sometimes it really does feel like Christmas, or a birthday, or any other gift receiving event! 
I mean who doesn't love to get "gifts" in the mail?!?!
(Don't get me's also great to give gifts, too!  I love to brighten days w/ surprise gifts!)

All which led me to the idea of a
Christmas in July
Picture Book & Activity Exchange!
(I'm feeling a little bit like the mouse in If You Give a Mouse a Cookie!)

I've talked two of my blogging buddies (Nicole at First Grade O.W.L.s and Jackie at Here We Go Loopty Loo) into cohosting the exchange with me...and we're hoping it's going to be LOTS of fun!

Now for the details:  
Christmas in July
Picture Book & Activity Exchange

Email me at
with your name, mailing address, and blog URL
by Wednesday, July 13, 2011.
**We realize it's kinda quick, but we want everyone to receive their package by the end of July!**

2. By Friday, July 15, 2011 you will get an email with your exchange partner.
Go shopping for a picture book (possibly one of your favorites to share w/a new "friend").
**$10 Limit**
**Don't forget to create an activity to go along with the book.**

3. Have your package (book & actvitiy) mailed by Monday, July 25, 2011.

4. Make sure to follow us at How About Them Apples, First Grade O.W.L.s, and
Here We Go Loopty Loo
so that on Sunday, July 31, 2011 you can link up and
share your "gift" with us!

5. Spread the word about our Christmas in July
Picture Book & Activity Exchange!
You know what they say...The more the merrier!!! 

LOVING This Book Display Idea!!!

So during the first of my many blog searches this morning (aka stalking teachers w/great ideas) I came across a 4th grade blog (I have no clue how I got there) Go Fourth With Mrs. Owens. Any who, not only is Rachel (aka Mrs. Owens) offering a fantabulous 31 All-in-One Tote giveaway, but she has a great idea for displaying books in your classroom library. Maybe I'm late to the party, but she uses a dish drainer...uh, PERFECT! Easy to find and relatively inexpensive!  I've borrowed the pic below and linked it to her blog:

Also, don't forget to head over to her blog and sign up for your chance at a great 31 tote!

I'm feeling like it must be Christmas in July because there are soooo many great giveaways right now! Which gives me an idea...I'll fill you in soon (maybe)!

"Scent"sational Giveaway

Adventures in Teaching is hosting a "Scent"sational giveaway...a Scentsy Warmer!!! Hurry over b/c the giveaway ends Saturday, July 9th!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

So I'm Still Off of the Wagon But...

I've been a VERY busy girl! I'm having LOTS of Summer fun! I do have moments when I start to feel a little guilty that I'm not putting too much thought into the upcoming school year, but then I remember my summer days are dwindling and I've got three boys that just wanna have FUN!

Let's see I've been so busy w/my boys...swimming pool, water park, park, picnic, creek, river, fireworks, and BBQ's.

But I've also done some fun things just for,Zumba Fitness {LOVE}, playing on my iPad, making a t-shirt tote bags (only wish I'd used a cuter t-shirt, I,ll definitely be making others), Bad Teacher, dinner, and drinks with 14 of my closest teaching buddies (it had been MUCH too long), napping, and blog stalking (kind of a given). that I've made lots of excuses for not keeping up with Math Work Stations, please know that I have been reading everyone's posts (AWEsome ideas) and saving lots of the posted freebies in my google docs account. I will return to and finish MWS, it just may be a couple more weeks. My goal -get into school gear immediately following the Kindergarten Conf. I will be attending July 18th and 19th. I'm sure it will put me into "Back to School" always does! Until then I'm going to continue keeping myself busy doing super fun, summer stuff!!!

P.S. If you're interested in recycling a t-shirt and making a super cute tote, check out Mrs. Perry's post at Primary Perspective!

Wowza!!!! I'm a Winner!

Thanks so much to Miss Snowden! I was one of the 5 winners she chose during her fantabulous blog design giveaway! So stay tuned (or tune in) to see what she comes up with to "spice" up my look! I'm so excited!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Another Giveaway to Check Out!

"a little birdie kinder told me so"

The prizes are...
* a customized apple teacher bag- canvas tote bag with your name on it
* gift cards to two of my MOST favorite places (Target and Sonic- route 44 drinks baby) in the amount of $10 each
#1-What teacher can't use ANOTHER tote?
#2-What teacher doesn't LOVE Target?
#3-Need I mention the Dollar Spot?!?!
#4-Sonic...Just thinking of the many thirst quenching flavor combos I could order!!!
(This will also give the McD's "sweet tea gal" a short break...I'm not afraid to admit I'm
addicted to this OH SO SWEET concoction! I swear it MUST be laced w/something!!!)

Anywho, head on over an check out Karen's blog and register for some great stuff!!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Great Blog Design Giveaway...Hurry Contest Ends Tonite at Midnight!

Miss Snowden at 1st Grade with Miss Snowden is having an AWESOME personalized blog design giveaway...I know I would LOVE to win it! Head on over to her blog to register yourself!